5 Questions in 5 Minutes: Councilmember Stephanie Lloyd

Councilmember Stephanie Lloyd, 2025 – 2028
We sat down with our Councilmembers to ask them 5 questions in 5 minutes. Here’s what Councilmember Stephanie Lloyd had to say.
1. What is your favorite thing about living in Foley?
My favorite thing about living in Foley is the small community. There are things that happen here that wouldn’t happen in a larger community, in a good way!
2. What motivated you to get involved with city government?
My love for my community is what motivated me to join City Council. (Along with a nudge from a friend.)
3. What is the one thing you wish people knew about Foley?
I wish people knew that we’re more than just the county seat or another farm town. While both of those things are true, I believe we’re a hidden gem.
4. What do you believe is the most pressing issue facing the City Council in 2025?
I believe the most pressing issue in 2025 is housing and business growth.
5. What do you look forward to the most when you get up in the morning?
A. Coffee/Tea
B. Breakfast
C. Exercise
D. Working with the awesome staffers at City Hall!
E. Also D
F. Other?
I look forward to coffee, the New York Times puzzles and obviously working with the amazing staffers at City Hall!