Office Staff
The office staff takes care of the day-to-day operations of the City and general government administration. The city staff is responsible for implementing City Council policies, prepares the City Council agenda, maintains all official files, records, licenses, resolutions, ordinances and minutes of the City, keeps the Council informed on important issues, coordinate elections, licensing, permits, prepares the budget, manages finances and special assessments and processes billing for service.
City Hall is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. except for State and Federal holidays.
The City Administrator oversees and manages all departments of the City and is responsible for assuring compliance with federal and state mandates. To reach the City Administrator, call City Hall at 320-968-7260 or email Sarah A. Brunn directly at [email protected].

Sarah A. Brunn, City Administrator
Accounting Technician and Deputy Clerk is responsible for processing payroll, accounts receivables, reconciling statements, ledger entries and related monthly, quarterly and annual reports. To reach the Accounting Technician and Deputy Clerk, call City Hall at 320-968-7260 or email Monica Shaw at [email protected].

Monica Shaw, Accounting Technician and Deputy Clerk
Administrative & Communications Assistant provides administrative services for all City departments as well as handling water/sewer utility payments, managing the website and social media, and general City correspondence. To reach the Administrative & Communications Assistant, call City Hall at 320-968-7260 or email Sara Judson Brown at [email protected].

Sara Judson Brown, Administrative & Communications Assistant
Administrative & Utility Billing Clerk provides administrative services for all City departments as well as accounts payable, monthly utility billing processing, and other billing and administrative tasks such as preparing council packets, ordinances and resolutions. To reach the Administrative & Utility Billing Clerk, call City Hall at 320-968-7260 or email Stacy Graham at [email protected].

Stacy Graham, Administrative & Utility Billing Clerk