5 Questions in 5 Minutes: Officer Bart Kothman
We sat down with our Foley Police Department officers to ask 5 questions in 5 minutes. Here’s what Officer Bart Kothman had to say.

Officer Bart Kothman
1. What motivated you to become a police officer?
“I’ve always felt the need to help people. Being a police officer helps fulfill that need. Even if it’s just helping someone change a flat tire on the side of the road, or helping a troubled youth find a little guidance. To me, all of that is worth it.”
2. What is your favorite thing about being a police officer in Foley?
“My favorite thing about being an officer in Foley is that I grew up in the area. I know many of the business owners and have friendships within the community that I believe help me perform my duties.”
3. What is one thing you wish people knew about being a police officer in a small town?
“I’d like people to realize that in a smaller community we are more than just police officers. We wear many hats that may be counselor one day, big brother the next, police officer another. It’s more than just being there in uniform, it’s about a mindset that you need to have.”
4. What do you like to do in your spare time?
“I like to hunt, ride motorcycles, play video games, and be with family.”
5. High fives or fist bumps?
“I like thumbs up. But that’s me. I always gotta be different.”