5 Questions in 5 Minutes: Officer Alex Skluzacek

Office Alex Skluzacek
We sat down with our Foley Police Department officers to ask 5 questions in 5 minutes. Here’s what Officer Alex Skluzacek had to say.
1. What motivated you to become a police officer?
“I began to think about becoming a police officer around my senior year in high school. After joining and serving in the Minnesota National Guard, the structure the military has is similar to law enforcement. I also wanted to be able to serve a community and give back to the community.”
2. What is your favorite thing about being a police officer in Foley?
“It’s a small town, close to home, and keeps you plenty busy. Even slow days you can still be busy. It’s also nice being able to build a relationship with the community members you took an oath to serve and protect.”
3. What is one thing you wish people knew about being a police officer in a small town?
“In a small town, a lot of times you are the only one on duty so when someone calls it can take a while for us to respond, due to being tied up on another call. We also don’t have the luxury of having back up close by so we do learn really quick how to talk with those that need us and to mediate situation as peacefully as we can.”
4. What do you like to do in your spare time?
“Hunt, fish, hang out at the lake, attend sporting events, coach.”
5. High fives or fist bumps?
“Fist bumps, but if a kid wants a high five, I have no issues with that either.”