5 Questions in 5 Minutes Officer Goerger

5 Questions in 5 Minutes: Officer Adam Goerger

Officer Adam Goerger

We sat down with our Foley Police Department to ask 5 questions in 5 minutes. Here’s what Officer Goerger had to say.

1. What motivated you to become a police officer?

“I became a police officer because I wanted to make a positive impact on the community and serve the public.”

2. What is your favorite thing about being a police officer in Foley?

“My favorite thing while serving the City of Foley is participating in community events and getting to interact with the public in many different ways.”

3. What is one thing you wish people knew about being a police officer in a small town?

“We are human and can make mistakes. We can’t be everywhere at once and the help and support within the community goes a long way in ensuring safety and thriving as a community.”

4. What do you like to do in your spare time?

“I love to be with my family, learn new things, and live life with purpose.”

5. High fives or fist bumps?
