5 Questions in 5 Minutes: Officer Brian Kothman

Officer Brian Kothman
We sat down with our Foley Police Department officers to ask 5 questions in 5 minutes. Here’s what Officer Brian Kothman had to say.
1. What motivated you to become a police officer?
“What motivated me was I have always enjoyed helping people.”
2. What is your favorite thing about being a police officer in Foley?
“I love the small town feel and a tight knit police department. I enjoy who I work with. They are like family to me.”
3. What is one thing you wish people knew about being a police officer in a small town?
“This is where I grew up. Most of the officers are from around the area. We are normal people just helping to make the community a great place to live.”
4. What do you like to do in your spare time?
“I love spending time with family. I enjoy deer hunting and going out on the 4 wheeler. I could go on and on. I believe hobbies are a must.”
5. High fives or fist bumps?
“I have always liked high fives and throw some fist bumps in now and then, but anyone who knows me also knows I like hugs too.”