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Interim Ordinances

Interim Ordinances Currently in Effect:

  • No interim ordinances currently in effect.

Background on Interim Ordinances
State statute already provides necessary requirements for cities to meet before enacting interim ordinances (also known as moratoriums). One requirement is that cities can only enact moratoriums “for the purpose of protecting the planning process and the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens.” Cities do not enact moratoriums without careful consideration for what is best for their residents.

Recently, Minnesota cities have used interim ordinances to study issues such as residency of level III sex offenders and location of solar farms. Moratoriums allow time for cities to study unanticipated situations before thoughtfully proceeding. Although cities rarely use moratoriums, when they do, they often need to do so immediately.

Contrary to what some have said, moratoriums don’t stop existing construction or construction that has been permitted to proceed. This prohibition is already required in current state statute (see Minnesota Statutes, section 462.355, subdivision 4c). And if a city wants more time than initially thought to study any development, state statute also requires a public hearing before extending any moratorium.

Zoning Ordinance
Code of Ordinances
IV. Liquors and Beverages
XII. Fines, Penalties and Revocations
XIII. Separability
XIV. Name and Citation of Code
XV. Adoption of Code
XVI. Star City Commission